1 minute read

A Python module is a .py file containing executable code or a set of functions you want to include in your application. In short words It is a Python file containing Python statements and definitions.

Some of the commonly used modules are:

  • os
  • sys
  • math
  • random
  • data time
  • JSON

Additional information

Create a Module

To create a module just save the code you want in a file with the file extension .py:

def greeting(name):
  print("Hello, " + name) 

Use a Module

we can use the module we already created, by using the import statement:

import my_module


Note: When you are using a function from a module, use the syntax: module_name.function_name.

Some modules

  • os: It provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
import os
cwd= os.getcwd()
print("Current working directory:", cwd)

Current working directory: /media/eli/Data/workplace/Git/Git/Top-100-Python-Interview
  • sys: This module provides various functions and variables that are used to manipulate different parts of the Python runtime environment.
import sys

3.8.5 (default, May 27 2021, 13:30:53) 
[GCC 9.3.0]
  • math: You can use this module for mathematical tasks. It have different methods.

math.pi provides a more precise value for the pi:

import math 
# Print the value of pi 
print (math.pi)

  • random: With this module we can produce anything randomly. You can use this module in applications like tic-tac-toe, rock-paper-scissor, etc.

Here a example of a simple program to generate random integers from a range:

import random

# generating a random number from the range 1-100
print(random.randint(1, 100)) 
  • data time: It is date and time object combinations.
import datetime

x = datetime.datetime.now()
  • JSON: It can be used to work with JSON data.
import JSON

Runtime and compile runtime

  • Compile-time: Is the moment where the code you entered is converted to executable.
  • Run-time: Is the moment where the executable code is running.


Python modules Sys module Data time module JSON module Os module Math module Random module